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Quote of the Week: Sulak Sivaraksa

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Since I mentioned INEB in the previous post, here’s a quote from Thai activist Sulak Sivaraksa to end the day (by my clock, it’s 9:50 pm on Nov 12; somehow my WordPress time setting is different because it’s telling you I posted this on Nov 13).

Sulak founded INEB in 1989, and is the author of many articles and books including Loyalty Demands Dissent and Seeds of Peace: A Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society.

“Buddhism is not concerned just with private destiny, but with the lives and consciousness of all beings…Any attempt to understand Buddhism apart from its social dimension is fundamentally a mistake. Until Western Buddhists understand this, their embrace of Buddhism will not help very much in the efforts to bring about meaningful and positive social change, or even in their struggle to transform their ego.”

~ Sulak Sivaraksa

About Maia

I've been practicing and studying the Buddha way since 1994, and exploring the question "What is engaged Buddhism?" since the late 90s. As former executive director of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship and editor of its journal, Turning Wheel, I had the honor of meeting and working with many practitioners of engaged dharma, including Roshi Joan Halifax, Joanna Macy, Alan Senauke, and Robert Aitken Roshi. I write about socially engaged Buddhism on my blog, "The Jizo Chronicles," as well as on the theme of personal and collective freedom on my website, "The Liberated Life Project." Through my Five Directions Consulting, I offer support to individuals and organizations who aspire to integrate awareness into their work.

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  1. Pingback: A Gift of Dharma for 3.1.11 « Rev. Danny Fisher

  2. Pingback: The International View: “Ordinary American People are the Only Genuine Force to End Terrorism” « The Jizo Chronicles

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