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Need help to start or deepen your meditation practice?

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You know what a difference meditation and mindfulness can make in your life… and in the life of our world.

When we ‘wake up to our lives,’ our decisions come from our inner wisdom and heart, rather than reactivity…  and we are present to what is true for us and around us in each moment. Mindfulness is one of the most potent peacemaking practices I know.

If you’d like to receive support for your meditation practice from Katya Lesher and myself, along with the company of a group of kindred spirits, please consider signing up for our 12-week online program “Waking Up to Your Life.” Yes, it’s a virtual program but one with lots of heart and soul!

We start this Sunday, March 13, and registration closes this Friday night at 11:59 pm Pacific Time.

And here’s a special deal since you’re a faithful reader of the Jizo Chronicles. Use the following codes to save on the registration fee:

  • wujizoa — use when registering for the core version, save $10
  • wujizob — use when registering for the core plus individual support, save $20

(Make sure to click “update cart” after you enter the code.)

Hope to share a journey of waking up, together!



About Maia

I've been practicing and studying the Buddha way since 1994, and exploring the question "What is engaged Buddhism?" since the late 90s. As former executive director of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship and editor of its journal, Turning Wheel, I had the honor of meeting and working with many practitioners of engaged dharma, including Roshi Joan Halifax, Joanna Macy, Alan Senauke, and Robert Aitken Roshi. I write about socially engaged Buddhism on my blog, "The Jizo Chronicles," as well as on the theme of personal and collective freedom on my website, "The Liberated Life Project." Through my Five Directions Consulting, I offer support to individuals and organizations who aspire to integrate awareness into their work.

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